My Thoughts
Oh this is so true!!... Haven't we all see it... sick people who practically willed themselves well. They decide they are going to make it... the get involved in making it and they do!
Then I have seen perfectly healthy people become distraught with sadness, depression and crumble...their health decline rapidly! I have seen depressed people become a shadow of their former self. I have been a shadow of myself. So lost... so hopeless...even with the people around me doing all they could for me...I just couldn't find my way to the surface.
As sick as I have been with Lupus and Fibromyalgia ... the worse sick I have ever been was when I was in the deepest, darkest place of depression. When you get there the devil has his foothold on you!! Your mind is always going...and the devil is filling it up with all kinds of negatives..."You can't do anything right, it is useless to even try." "Nobody really loves you!"... "Look at you you are worthless!" The devil will tell you anything to keep you in those deep dark places. After all if you can't love even yourself you sure can't show love to the people around you.
What I didn't really understand is that God was there with me all the time...I just had to call out to Him!! Reading God's word gave me such hope!!... It changed me, little by little by little. Slowly I begin to see just how much God loved me!! I started to believe it when I read "You are wonderfully made!" I started to understand it was ME that was wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14)!! God made me... He knitted me together in my mother's womb (Psaoms 139:13). Jesus died on the cross so that I, me, Jeannie Phillips could have an abundant life (John 10:10). I have learned to fill my mind and my heart so full of how much that God loves me, that when the devil tries to tell me I am useless I can just tell the devil how wonderfully righteous I am. I can say to the devil "Sure I messed up...but that is not of your concern because I told my God about it and He made me right again!!"
The more I become right with God, the more I know God, the more confidence I have in the decisions I make over my life. I let the Holy Spirit guide me. Lately He has told me that I can be a better me!!... That I have control over my health and life. The devil told me that "Lupus is going to get you, there is no use trying!" God told me, I can heal you!!... God told me that I am amazing!! God told me that I, me, Jeannie Phillips could make a difference in my health and that if I made the effort He would send down His grace and make me able to do more and more and more to make me better and better and better.
God is where our hope is...we can endure a sick body... but we can not make it if we loose our hope... hope abounds when we love and trust in God!!
How do I start? Here is how I started... I was given a One Year Bible by my son, thank you John-Robert for loving me that much! I picked it up and started reading, day after day after day... if you couple prayers...and oh my prayers were simple, and choppy but they were honest, earnest prayers... I kept after it...and little by little by little I grew in amazing ways!! I grow every day..I have so much growing to do... but oh I am growing... You can too!!! You can too!! God's word tells us that if we seek wisdom, wisdom will come to us. We just have to want it and to go after it... then God drops it down into our understanding!! If you want to change your life pick up God's word and seek after Him... amazing things happen!!
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