I decided to start this blog (2010) because my son, John-Robert gave me a One Year Bible for Christmas, the New Living Translation... reading it has changed my life... I post a daily Bible verse on my Facebook page every day and it has been well received... I thought that this would be a wonderful way to share part of what I read each day!... I hope that you enjoy it.

This Year 2012 I am going to do things a little different... not much...just a little. I am again reading through my One Year Bible (for the 3rd time). But I am also using "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word" by Joyce Meyer. This book is divided by putting scriptures under different categories so they can be used to speak over our life situations. Each day I will read a category of scripture and pick a scripture in that category to write about.



Saturday, January 12, 2013


Proverbs 3:9-10 Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce.  Then He will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine.
My Thoughts
How often do we work ourselves to the bones trying to "have"...when all we have to do to "have" is honor God in all that we do.  How different would we do things if each time we started a task we said to God, "God I am doing this for you and I will do my best!"  There are so many task I do half hardily that I would do better if I committed that task to God. This is something that I must get better at!! 
We can't ignore the first part of this verse, that we are to commit our wealth to God. Our ability to obtain that wealth is given to us from God...so we need to thank God for that by giving back to Him his part of what He has blessed us with. 
God made sure that we had this information because He loves us.  We show our love for Him by giving Him all that we are.  God gave us his most prized possession, Jesus.  Yet He ask so little of us in return.  And after He gave us Jesus... and gives us our abilities...when we give back to Him He blesses us even more. How special is that!

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