Proverbs 30:7-9 Oh God, I beg two favors from you; let me have them before I die. First, help me never to tell a lie. Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs. For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, "Who is the Lord?" And if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult God's holy name.
My Thoughts
I really love this!! It was such a wise prayer that God made sure that it was included in His word to last for all the generations to see. First it is so important to never tell a lie. Yet society teaches us that sometimes we need to tell "white" lies. We need to be aware and on our toes... conscious of all that we say. Conscious that if we fall into the trap of a "little white lie" being OK...that soon we will see the next lie as a "white" lie... where does it stop?
The next part is so important too... Give me enough to satisfy my needs...not my wants... my needs! Don't give me so much that I forget where all that I have comes from! Don't make me so poor that I am desperate. In America we have been given so much, by God. We have been so blessed that we often don't know a need from a want. We are so caught up in commercialism that we confuse what we "need" with what we want! "Priceless" has become those things we can't afford but HAVE to have to make life memorable, worth wild! Today people are loosing the actual roof over their heads because they got so busy having to have so many "things" that they risk their homes to pay off their credit they could put more gadgets, more "priceless" moments on payments. So they could give their kids more toys... but, sadly less time. We get so busy having to have that we forget to say thank you to God for all that He has given us!! Imagine how that must make God feel!! God give us our every need, food, clothing, a roof over our head, heat in the winter, cool air in the summer... he give us health and a job that provides for those things and we fail to say 'thank you God for providing my needs." We fail to wait on what more He wants so shower us with. Instead we go about getting more, by risking what God has provided for us. When we risk what God has given us, even if we say thank you to God, we are not showing our gratitude by our actions. We need to treasure all that God has provided us with, treat it like it is important and matters. When we prove our gratitude by cherishing the needs God has provided us with God will then pour out his blessing on us. Blessings that are far beyond our imagination...more than what we could think to ask for (Ephesians 3:20). Our part is to remember God in all that we have. We need to remember that it is a gift that God has given us when our needs are provided. We need to be so thankful that our needs are met. Then we need to be so totally aware that the extras are just that...extra blessings. The extras can only be blessings if we don't jeopardize the needs God has so gracious supplied us with. We must keep "thank you" in our actions not just in our words. It is essential that we stay aware that God is our provider. When we remember God in everything that we have our "priceless" moments will be beyond our imagination not something to pay for on our credit cards.
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