Philippians 4:8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
My Thoughts
2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to take our thoughts captive. The only way to get rid of the bad thoughts is to replace our thoughts with good thoughts. It is when I mind seems rather empty for a moment that the devil himself moves in and starts filling our head. Philippians 4:8 is our weapon against the devil filling our minds with his thoughts, and convincing us that they are our own. We can tell ourselves "I refuse to entertain that thought, instead I am going to think about true and honorable things, right and pure things, lovely and admirable things...I am going to fix my mind on God at this moment and thank Him and praise Him.
How you ever noticed that when you are busy being thankful...when you are busy praising God it is hard to think of anything else!!! One way to think on the things that are good is to count your blessings. When I have been so troubled that I could not concentrate without my mind wandering to a problem, I have actually gotten out a pen and paper and made myself write down 100 things that I am thankful for... it helps. We can refuse to think negative things about ourselves and about others...we can instead choose to thing on things that are good.
When we learn to think on things that are good, we begin to notice the good around us. When we notice the good, our mood changes, whole days can be transformed by our thoughts when we make an effort... it has to be more than an has to be more a determination. Whole days can be changed when we become determined to think on things that are true, honorable, right and pure. When we think on things that are lovely and admirable, excellent and worthy of praise!!
It is so important to take our thoughts captive... what stays in our minds eventually drops in our hearts... so when we refuse to think on bad things and instead think on the good... the good drops into our hearts... what is in our hearts become our actions. The only way to act and react good is for our thoughts to be good thoughts. What will your thoughts be on today??
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