1 Corinthians 15:58 So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Aways work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.
My Thoughts
Be strong and immovable!! We are so swayed by the world. It is so easy to be swayed...one of the most persuasive things we face each day is the media!! It is everywhere, it is central in our homes in the form of TV... and most of have more than one of those so we won't miss a thing. We go do doctor's offices and there are magazines and now TV to keep us busy while we wait. Telling us what we need, what we need to think, what we need to do to be acceptable to the world. And so often we listen. We are much like kids who give in to peer pressure...we give into media pressure.
Here we are told to be strong and immovable!! If it takes not opening those magazines or turning on that TV to stay strong and immovable in the values that God gives us, than that is just what we need to do. When we choose God over media pressure, when we choose to live like God wants us to live and not like the world wants us to live God will bless us. Nothing, even something that feels like the tiniest thing, goes unnoticed by God. And God loves to shower us with blessings.
When we feel the Holy Spirit nudging us to do something, or not to do something we need to listen. When we listen and act on His advice God takes notice and our lives become better and better and better.
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