Proverbs 14:30 A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like a cancer in the bones.
My Thoughts
I have noticed, now that I am paying attention... not just letting life happen around me, that when I don't do what I should do, that is when I am most likely to be jealous of others. That jealousy leads to anxiety... anxiety leads to bad nerves... that leads to bad health!!
One example that I can think of is...when we take care of our money...then we have money when we need it... so we don't have the need to be jealous of somebody else that always has what then need exactly when they need it. Because we have done what we were suppose to do and we too have what we need when we need it.
We can get jealous of some body's success, without stopping to think that if we put forth that much effort we would be that successful too.
So often when jealousy creeps up is when we are worrying about somebody else's business instead of tending to what we need to be doing.
We are at peace when we choose to do what is right... we are at peace when we do what God ask us to. We are at peace when we stay busy fixing our own lives instead of judging the lives of the people around us. We are at peace when we focus on thanking God for all that we have instead of using all our energy to notice what other have that we don't.
When we get busy doing what God lays out for us to do...we don't have time to be jealous... then we avoid so much anxiety, depression, sickness. So much of what we go through can be avoided when we get busy pleasing God. God gives us exactly what we need to be happy, to be content...when we get our minds off of God and on people that is when jealousy creeps in and destroys our happiness. It is up to us..we can choose to be thankful and happy or we can choose to be jealous and end up destroyed. We have to be on guard of jealousy, it attacks just like a cancer... there so quietly you almost don't even notice until it's strength is so strong that it seems impossible to win the battle. That is why it is so important for us to be aware that jealousy and as soon as we notice it we need to make the changes in our lives that it takes ask God for His grace... to start being thankful for all that we that we can be healthy and happy.
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