Proverbs 13:19 It is pleasant to see dreams come true, but fools refuse to turn from evil to attain them.
My Thoughts
Did you ever wonder if God cares about what you want? Right here in Proverbs it tells us that He does. God wants our dreams to come true. When we do good, when we do what is right God rewards us. John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came so we could have life and have it more abundantly. Not just have life but have abundances in life. As always though we have to do our part... just like the Israelite soldiers had to shout before the walls of Jericho would fall...we have to turn from our evil way to see our dreams come true...When things in our life don't seem to be going right ... when we are not accomplishing what we dream to accomplish... we need to remember that God is on our side... God is on our team... we have to do our part... We need to stop and examine our lives and ask ourselves if we are doing what God ask us to do... if we do what God wants... if we live how God ask us to live God will take care of our dreams. If our dreams are not coming true we are probably just going about it the wrong way... To obtain our dreams we need to go about making time for God, we need to take time to love God and love the people around us... we need to care about what God cares about... then God in return cares about what we care about. We have the opportunity to to attain our dreams... we just have to go about it in God's way.
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