I decided to start this blog (2010) because my son, John-Robert gave me a One Year Bible for Christmas, the New Living Translation... reading it has changed my life... I post a daily Bible verse on my Facebook page every day and it has been well received... I thought that this would be a wonderful way to share part of what I read each day!... I hope that you enjoy it.

This Year 2012 I am going to do things a little different... not much...just a little. I am again reading through my One Year Bible (for the 3rd time). But I am also using "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word" by Joyce Meyer. This book is divided by putting scriptures under different categories so they can be used to speak over our life situations. Each day I will read a category of scripture and pick a scripture in that category to write about.



Sunday, April 17, 2011


Luke 18:27 Jesus replied, "What is impossible for people is possible with God."

My Thoughts
God can do anything...  in Matthew 17:20 Jesus  tells us we can move mountains if we have faith.... when Joshua lead the Israelites into battle and God was with them God stopped the water from flowing in a river. God stopped the earth from turning so it would stay dark.  God took down walls of a city with shouts of the people.  But each time God had the people do something first to show their faith. The priest had to put their feet at the edge of the water for the water to stop... the people had to shout for the walls to fall. You have to believe you can move a mountain before God moves it.  The more we have faith in God the more God can do though us.  A very wise lady that I know said "God meets us where our faith is." Think of the things you can accomplish if God is working through you... God gives us the "I Can" in life.  It is so important to know the promises of God to accomplish all that we can accomplish. It is hard to have faith in something you don't know... so knowing the promises of God gives us the capacity to have faith in all areas of our lives... the more we know about God's promises the more able we are to have faith in what God can do, the more faith we have in what God can do the more we are able to accomplish because we have God working through us. The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:13 that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us... "all things" not just some things but "all things." God's ability in my life is only limited by my faith... if the people had not put their feet at the edge of the water the Israelites could not have crossed the river, if the people had not shouted the walls of Jericho would not have fallen. God's ability in us is only limited by our faith in what God can do.  When we believe that God can do anything...when we believe that "all things" are possible through Christ the sky is the limit, no not even the sky can limit what can be accomplished.

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