I decided to start this blog (2010) because my son, John-Robert gave me a One Year Bible for Christmas, the New Living Translation... reading it has changed my life... I post a daily Bible verse on my Facebook page every day and it has been well received... I thought that this would be a wonderful way to share part of what I read each day!... I hope that you enjoy it.

This Year 2012 I am going to do things a little different... not much...just a little. I am again reading through my One Year Bible (for the 3rd time). But I am also using "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word" by Joyce Meyer. This book is divided by putting scriptures under different categories so they can be used to speak over our life situations. Each day I will read a category of scripture and pick a scripture in that category to write about.



Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Proverbs 7:1-3 Follow my advice, my son: always treasure my commands.  Obey my commands and live! Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes. Tie them around your fingers as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart.
My Thoughts
Look at that line, "Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes."  Think about how our body protects our eyes.  If something comes toward us, we can't help but blink.  Have you ever had something come toward you and you closed your eyes so tight that they were almost hard to open back up?   When something comes toward our eyes our hands go up without thinking.  We guard our eyes because they are a part of us...something so important that they must be protected.  You might say that our bodies do that automatically...this is true our bodies know that our eyes are important. 
The place we need to get to with God's commands that our hearts and minds protect God's commands in our lives as automatically as our bodies protect our eyes. 
This year will be my forth time reading through my Bible.  I am not bragging by any means, if I had started when I was 20 this would be my 32 time reading through God's word..but instead it is only my fourth. In the last three years, the commands of God in my life that I protect have grown.  A few of them I now protect like I protect my eyes.  Nothing could make me break them.  Others are not a part of me yet. Partly because they were not the ones I was taught as I was in and out of Church.  But more true, they were words, rules to follow... not a part of who I was.
As I learn how much God loves me, and how much His commands are out of such love for me, the more I embrace those words...and I find them finding their way from my head down, deep down into my heart.  As that happens they become so much a part of who I am that anytime something goes against them my hands go up.  My heart protects those commands...which protects my soul... just as my body protects my eyes. 
The only way God's commands will become a part of me, is if I read them and learn them. The only way to make them a part of me is if I desire to know them.  The only way that they can completely change me is by becoming a part of who I am. I am not able to be a godly person, a person that knows God if I don't spend time getting to know God.  The more I know God's commands the more freedom I feel, the free-er I am to be loving and kind, the free-er I am to be happy...the more I know God's commands the free-er I become from stress and worry. The more I know God's commands the free-er I am to feel peace.  The more I know God's commands the free-er I am when I make a decision because it is based on sound principle. The more I know God's commands the more they drop down into my heart to become as protected as my eyes are.

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