Proverbs 108:1 My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises with all my heart!
My Thoughts
I really didn't know how to be confident in God before I started reading my Bible every day. I wanted to be confident in God...but I only had a vague idea of what God's promised were... those were from what I learned in Sunday School as a child...things that I heard preachers talk about as an adult... and of course those few Bible verses that we all kind of know. But I have to admit that I had not taken time to read my Bible... I had not learned all that God can do... all that God promises. How could I be confident in a god that I knew so little about. Now I am on my second time around reading my Bible through in a year... and this time it makes so much more sense... I know God better and better...I know what he has promised me... I can better hear God talking to me...I recognize the Holy Spirit leading my steps and keeping me from trouble and danger... I can recognize when God is helping me... rewarding me... I can look back on my day and see where God helped me... the more I read, the more I pray, the more I surround myself with Godly people the more confident I become in God and what God wants to do and will do for me. Now when I sing the songs at church I feel the praise for God just rising up in me... when I sing the old hymns that we all remember from childhood I "get" their meaning. An old hymn came to me just this morning and I went to myself "Oh, I get that now!!" God was always there for me...I could have always been confident in Him...I just didn't understand how. If you feel like you are missing something with God.. just pick up your Bible and start reading it!!..I so urge you to do this...I started with a One Year Bible that my son gave me... it has some Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs for each day. I admit at first I didn't get a lot of what I was reading...but I kept at it ...and each day I understood more and more...and each day still I understand more and more... now I can say "My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises with all my heart." and I am confident too that in a year from now...and a year from then I will know more about God and I will be more confident then than I am today.
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