Daniel 4:12 But he said, "Go now, Daniel, for what I have said is kept secret and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, cleansed, and refined by these trials. But The wicked will continue in their wickedness, and non of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means.
My Thoughts
The Bible often talks about our trials purifying us. Everyday trials. Here Daniel had been given visions about the end of time. Those trials leading up to the end of time are going to be huge compared to our everyday trials. This verse made me think hard about how I handle these everyday things. About how the people around me handle the every day things.
Just yesterday I was coming back home from being downtown. I had about a 20 minute drive I guess. I was amazed by the rudeness of the drivers... 4 times I could have had a wreak if I had not at those moments been the one paying attention. I thought to myself, "If we get much more selfish we are not going to be able to drive! There is going to be complete chaos and lots of wrecks. One day we are going to cross that line where there aren't almost wreaks everywhere and there is in one day going to be lots of them. If we don't become less selfish drivers!"
Now today I read this verse... If we can't keep our temper in traffic... if little annoyances make us unloving or unkind. If standing in line makes us crazy or anxious. What will we be like when the world gets worse.. when end times are upon us enough for us all of us to recognize them? Will we be strong enough? Will we be loving? Will our actions be Christ like?
We really need to practice being strong, loving and Christ like now!! In our everyday lives...if we can't do it on a bad "normal" day... we will not be able to do it at the very worst of times.
In James 1 it tells us "2 Dear brothers and sisters,when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." Life will test us... testing will grow us... we need to see those moments as opportunities to be strong in God. We need to see those moments as opportunities to practice being Christ like. When we do we grow!! When we do, we don't make excuses, we instead take on the challenge and show what we are made of as children of the Most High God!! When we do that our endurance grows and grows and grows... we need to grow it enough to be strong enough to be Christ like in situations that we can't even imagine.
I challenge you, I challenge myself to act today, and tomorrow and all the tomorrow's to come to do you best, make no excuses... be strong and loving and kind in all situations.. practice it like a soldier practices his steps that make him able to defend himself. Because being Christ like will be our defense, it is our defense against evil. Our very lives will depend on it one day just as much as the life of a soldier depends on being able to defend himself!! God warns us not to be deceived, not to be complacent. We need to be alert, practiced and ready!! Our everyday trials are not our battle ground..they are our boot-camp...we need to learn to use them to become the best we can be at being a child of God!!
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