Psalms 124:8 Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
My Thoughts
God is always there to help us, always! We just have to ask....and then pay attention. God always listens, always. But for God to hear us we have to talk to Him. Have you ever been talking your problems out loud in an empty room and all the sudden you had the answer?... God was listening. It is amazing when we put our problems in God's hands what happens. We tend to put big problems or the impossible dreams in God's hands. But we need to get in the practice of putting even the smallest things in God's hands. God cares about it all. Everything we do shapes us into who we are becoming.... It's the little things that effect our everyday lives... the little things are constant.... the big things come along but not often (thank goodness) and they seem to matter most. But it is the little things that happen day in and day out... over and over that really shape our lives....if we give those to God...and learn to let God help us with those...then when something bigger comes along we will go to God first...not after we have tried an failed..not after we have sought advice from people that often have their own agenda..... God cares about every part of our lives.... God wants us to give it all to Him.... God can change our world, but only if we let Him.
Just recently I was making a shawl, a little thing in the big picture of life.... but something I love to do every day.... I kept messing up....something that usually relaxes me was making me stressed, really stressed. Then I remembered I had not prayed about this shawl I was making ...I had just jumped right in. I stopped and asked God to help me. I pulled out everything past my mistake and started to crochet again... everything feel right into place...I remembered what I had been doing before..and saw clearly what I was doing wrong. That was God helping me. When I got my spinning wheel, I prayed over it, I told God I wanted to be good at spinning yarn.... when I started spinning it was easy to me. I was told that people spun yarn for a year before they had accomplished what I accomplished in a couple of weeks... That was God helping. There are too many things in my life that I didn't ask God to help me with that I have not been good at at all. There are many things God helped me with that I wasn't even aware of because I wasn't looking. Now there are things in my life that I really struggle with that I have not given to God. But I am learning...and what I am learning is when I give something to God, He always does a better job in me than I can ever do by myself. Always. God is all knowing...He after all made the heavens and the earth. Why would I not give my every move to God... after all what I know is only a grain of sand on a vast beach and there is nothing that God doens't know. God tries all the time to teach me and show me that He can make my life so much is just up to me to ask Him to help!
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