Acts 13:15 After the usual readings from the books of Moses and the prophets, those in charge of the service sent them this message: “Brothers, if you have any word of encouragement for the people, come and give it.”
My Thoughts
This verse says to me that it is very important to encourage each other. It comes just after reading from the books of Moses and the prophets. We all need encouragement in all areas of our lives. We need to know that what we do matters. Growing is hard to see in ourselves. It is kind of like looking in the mirror. When we look in the mirror at ourselves we tend to notice the things we don't like about ourselves. I don't like my nose and that is always the first thing I see when I look in the mirror. Try as I might I can't see the whole of myself. I see myself in parts...and usually I am seeing the parts of me I like least. Every once in a while we pass a mirror that we don't know is there and we catch a glimpse of ourselves as others see us...and it takes a minute to even know it is our reflection. We see the whole...and even think to ourselves "hey, I look pretty good!" It is especially nice when we have had the thought that "That person sure is pretty." and that person was our self! We tend to see how we have grown or what we have accomplished in much the same way, in parts. Noticing what we can't do, what we have not accomplished, ways we haven't grown. We see other people...and other people see us more in a whole part... they can see what our accomplishments are. They see how we have grown. The look at us and see the big picture. I think that is why words of encouragement are so important. Important enough to list here just under the reading of the Bible so far as it had been written. We all love to be encouraged! One of the reasons we love it when people see what we have done is because they see it bigger and better than we do. When someone else notice what we do and comment on it, for a second we get to experience us through somebody else's eyes. Say for instance we have just given a party...we often think about what could have been done better, what we forgot. But, somebody else see how well everything went, how everything feel into place perfectly. We never know that unless somebody tells us.
I believe we do better when we are told we are doing good. When somebody says to me that I am so sweet, I try harder to be even sweeter. They have encouraged me by noticing what I can do, they have noticed what I am good at. When I am told what I am doing is working I try even harder. When our boss tells us we are good in an area, we tend to always pay extra attention and be good in that area. When others encourage us it gives us the will to do better, to go on!. Encouragement is so important in our lives. As much as we need that from others, others need it from us!! When we notice the good in others, the accomplishments in others, the growth in others. When we see something somebody has just done that was good we need to tell them just how good we see it, to build them up, to spur them on. It gives us the want to, the strength, the "encouragement" they need to move forward and become the best they can be. Today, everyday when we notice something nice about somebody else, something positive about somebody else don't keep that wonderful treasure hidden in your heart...share it with that person. It may be the encouragement they need to become even better than they already are. It may be that encouragement they need not to give up. Those thoughts shared become seeds that grown into bigger and better things.