Colossians 1:6-7 And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grown down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. The your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
My Thoughts
I love this verse!! The deeper my roots grow in God and His love the more I overflow with thankfulness. I remember when I felt like I didn't have much to be thankful for... at that time I was not letting my roots grow in God. I had asked Jesus into my heart as a child, but had not learned how to let my roots grow. Somewhere along the way I missed it!! The Bible was so overwhelming to me... it seemed so hard to understand!!
But things began to change in my life when I given a Bible that I could understand and (The New Living Translations, for me) and begin to read every day. Finally a Bible that was at least easy to read..then within a matter of weeks I begin to understand at least some of what I was reading...and with each new understanding I began to change, my heart began to change, what I was seeing through my eyes began to change. Little by little at first...but enough to make me know I wanted more!! I wanted deeper roots. The deeper my roots grow, the more thankful I become! The more Joy I feel! The more at peace I am! Now in the mist of something that use to would have thrown me into anxiety and panic I stop and say "thank you God for this peace!" And I smile because I feel so loved by God that He would take over my problem and leave me with joy in its place.
I am so thankful that I have come to a place where I can see all the things around me that make me feel so thankful. So much of it God had already given me.... the devil just made sure I was distracted by fear and anxiety too much to notice. When I keep my eyes on God I am overwhelmed with thankfulness!! I am overwhelmed with the knowledge of how much God loves me!!
I am so excited that He loves me as much as He loves anybody and I want people to know, family, friends, complete strangers on the street. I want them all to feel what I feel! I want their roots to grow deep...I want each face I see to feel loved and have the opportunity to be thankful!!
I beg of you!!..I plead with you.. Pick up your Bible today... start reading! Experience those words come alive in your life. Take the time, and it takes time, to go from not understanding much to being excited about what you are going to learn next to make your life better. Salvation is not just an after this life thing, it is a daily thing!! Each day God saves me from so much now that I have learned to love Him! Each day God gives me things that money can't buy.. each day my love and peace and joy grow beyond what I could even think to imagine. All because I learned to grow my roots deeper and deeper into God!
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