My Thoughts
Wow oh wow! This says to me that we should treat every person in our lives, every person that we come in contact with just as if we are entertaining God. The devil is responsible for all the bad in the world. All the goodness in the world comes straight from God. All love in the world comes from God! We are all created by God, He loves each and every one of us! We are a part of Him. When people mistreat us we need to send up prayers for them because the devil has used them for his evil. That mistreatment is the devil trying to get two people to sin by using one of them to create an angry situation. When somebody loves us, when somebody is good to us it is a gift straight from God. When we are loving and kind we are allowing God to use us. Even if the devil gets a hold of somebody else first and cause them to mistreat us, we should never allow the devil to use us by making us think we have "the right" to treat somebody the way they have treated us. I don't think we have to stand and be mistreated by somebody...but we don't ever have to act in a way that would make God sad with our actions either.
One of the best examples I can think of is when somebody is angry or upset with us...and we can't see anything we have done wrong. If it were God standing in front of us we would say, no matter what the situation, "God I am so sorry that I did something that hurt you." We could, we are able to say that to the people we know, instead of getting on the defensive. If we act in love, if we apologize even we have truly done nothing wrong, God will take care of the rest! God will put it in that person's heart... God will make sure all is right with us... if we make sure that we walk in God's love. If we treat people with kindness, respect and love. If we give people the benefit of the doubt always! God will take care of the rest.
The thing is when people go about mistreating others..they are so in a place in their lives that the devil can get in and wreak havoc on their lives.. he has gotten them so out of control they no longer know right from wrong. Our loving response to them my be just the thing they need to set them back on track. We need to always treat people like who they are, Children of God... we need to treat each person like we would if God himself were standing there in the flesh, holding their hand. That is just how we need to see each and every person, like the were standing there, with God, holding His hand. If we could see people that way, it would change forever how we acted toward everybody.
We may not can change the whole world with our actions... but we can change our world with our actions. If we change our world into goodness and love... people will see what we have and want it! We need to be a witness of God's love by how we live. We need to treat all that we do as if we are doing it for God Himself... because we are. What we do to others we do to God. If we can let this fact drop down into our spirits we will forever be changed. Oh and just imagine how wonderful that change will be!
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