Luke 6:45 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.
My Thoughts
Oh Wow!! This says to me that when I find my words not being what they should be, I have some work to do!! I have noticed the more time I spend in God's word, the more time I spend in prayer, the better I like what comes out of my mouth!! I need to be totally aware that when things come out of my mouth that would make God sad with me, that I have work to do!! I have studying to do! I need to spend some time in prayer! Growing in God is a process... it doesn't always happen all at once.... I have my part to do. My words show me exactly what I need to work on! The devil loves to try and sneak evil into our when I find myself in the middle of saying something I shouldn't say, and I stop...I show the devil that God is who I choose to be in control of my life. If I make the transition from saying something to stopping in the middle off a paragraph.... to stopping in the middle of my first sentence.... the next step is keeping my mouth shut all together.... when I do this I am growing in God. Each time we get a little bit better God smiles. When we become aware of exactly what is coming out of our mouth..... and take time to notice if it is good or if it is evil... we start to weed out the evil....eventually the treasures in our hearts will be only good! And the good in our lives come straight from God!
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