Numbers 14:11 And the Lord said to Moses, "How long will these people treat me with contempt? Will they never believe me, even after all the maraculous signs I have done among them?
My Thoughts
Oh wow God was upset! He had taken these people out of slavery... he had done amazing thing for them to see, like part the Red Sea. He has sent Manna down from the sky each day for them to eat. He had taken care of them! He had done everything He promised them he would do. Now He as gotten them to the Promise Land... a beautiful place, full of everything they needed and more. He said this is your land I am giving it to you... you will defeat the giants living there. But the people refused to enter...they let there fears get the best of them...and instead of taking concerns to God they complained. The complained to each other...they didn't trust that God would do what He said. God was angry.... he was so angry because the people didn't trust Him or believe Him.
I couldn't help but thing how much grumbling and complaining we do today. You can't go anywhere without hearing people grumble and complain. About jobs if they have them... about not having a job if they don't. About gas prices and food prices... husbands complain about their wives and wives about their husbands. Kids about their parents and parents about their children. People complain if their spots team looses. People complain that their is not enough time in a day...and about being board if they don't have something to fill up their day.
We have so much in America...even when times are hard we still have so much.... I know times have been really, really hard for some people these past few years.. people have lost so much. And it is hard. So often we feel like we have to vent or burst. God was not upset at these people for venting, David vented all the time... the difference is that David vented to God.... not to the people around him. When David vented to God... God quited Davids soul and David knew that all would be well. David trusted God so much that he even carried his frustrations to God. We know from God's word that God was pleased with David.
The difference in the Israelites and David is that David, even when he was afraid, trusted God and did what God asked... David took his worries to God and not to other people. When we take our worries to God instead of other people God can tell us what to do about those worries... God can tell us that He will take care of us. People, they tend to water our worries and make them bigger. God weeds out our worries and makes our hopes and dreams grow, even in the face of great, big obstacles.
God was not upset at the people for being afraid... God was upset at the people for grumbling and compiling and for not trusting Him. We need to go about our days building each other up.. giving each other hope..showing each other love... and when frustrations enter our world we need to take those to God and trust him with all that we are and all that we hope to be.
God loved the Israelites so much and He had a present for them.. a wonderful land, that had all they could ever want... instead of taking that gift the people complained. Oh what God must think of us ...after all look at all we have been given. We need to make sure that we don't walk around acting like the Israelites. We need to make sure that we look around at what we do have, constantly thanking God...and then we need to reach out and embrace the next thing God has planned for us.
Now if I can just get better and better and better at putting in to practice all that God is teaching me in His Word!!
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