I decided to start this blog (2010) because my son, John-Robert gave me a One Year Bible for Christmas, the New Living Translation... reading it has changed my life... I post a daily Bible verse on my Facebook page every day and it has been well received... I thought that this would be a wonderful way to share part of what I read each day!... I hope that you enjoy it.

This Year 2012 I am going to do things a little different... not much...just a little. I am again reading through my One Year Bible (for the 3rd time). But I am also using "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word" by Joyce Meyer. This book is divided by putting scriptures under different categories so they can be used to speak over our life situations. Each day I will read a category of scripture and pick a scripture in that category to write about.



Friday, May 3, 2013


Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.

My Thoughts
This is important to put into our memory so that we can call on it when we are deciding whether or not to help someone.  When we help others with the giving, loving spirit of God. God will take care of that debt.  God will bless that giving.  We have to keep our hearts and our wallets open to spreading the love of God.  We have to trust that God will restore to us what we have given to others.  And we have to pray that God will help others use what we have given wisely. 

It is so easy to over think giving.  To wonder if it is really helping.  Sometimes if it doesn't help somebody financially.. it helps their spirit to know that someone cares.  We can always send a prayer up and ask God first what we should do, but when God says that we should give, then we should give knowing that God will protect our storehouse. 

God does protect us from people that will use us! Robby and I have experienced God protecting us. That experience has made it so much easier to trust God when He ask us to give to others.  

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