Proverbs 3:7-8 Don't be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead fear the Lord and turn away from evil. Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones.
My Thoughts
Wow! "Don't be impressed with your own wisdom!" Wow! I think this really struck me because of a conversation I had with a young lady this weekend who grew up with parents who were missionaries. I peppered her with questions. One of the things that I learned from her is that in America, where we have so much, people are much harder to reach because they rely so much on themselves. So when I read this I thought of how much knowledge is at our fingertips. We think we know, or if we don't know we can find out. We ask everybody, we seek every place then if we are still at a loss for answers we ask God. We are so impressed with our own wisdom, or our ability to get the answers that we miss out on what the true answers really are. We can also go about making life so complicated, when really life is very simple. We have questions, God has the answers. We have needs, God wants to meet those needs. We have knowledge, we need to seek God on that knowledge and make sure that what we think we know is what God teaches. We go about seeking after everything, making our lives crazy busy when we could make life simple by seeking after God in all matters of our lives. God knows all... we get so lost in thinking that we know that we become prisoners of what we think is good for us.
I remember at time when my kids were young, I was busy getting them here and there... getting them to places that I was sure was good for them. Doing my best be a good mom and do what was right for my kids. I didn't ask God. I thought I knew. I knew so much that we were so busy that we didn't have time for anything except all the things that were "good" for my kids. I know that God would have given me a different answer.. I am not sure what the answer would have been because I didn't ask. But now that I ask more often, not often enough, but more... God would have given me more balance than I had at the time. See I was so busy being impressed with what I thought was right, that I forgot to ask the One who knew what was right.
I have got to stop thinking that I know what is right... in fact when I think I know what is right that is when I should stop and say, "This is where trouble begins, stop and ask God."
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