Proverbs 10:19 Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.
My Thoughts Wow... powerful!!!.... so so simple... but hard to follow isn't it?!... We have all done this, seen it, especially at work where there are lots of people... idle gossip which seems innocent at the time but always ends up hurtful in someway... when your feelings are hurt at someone and you find someone to talk about it and between the two of you - you work yourselves into a good mad..... to the point where you forgot your feelings were just a little hurt... and you forgot that you knew that person didn't mean to hurt your feelings... there is not a person I know that doesn't need to work on this... and believe you me...I am talking to me!!... Proverbs 10 is full of things that will help you live your life better if you just listen!!... its so important that the person who laid out my One Year Bible put these verses in my daily reading just one or two at a time... so you can really ponder on their importance.... and this one was my only Proverbs reading for the day!!... I am going to challenge you to try this one for a whole week!!... and see if you don't feel better about yourself and others ... when you need to tell somebody at work that your feelings are hurt tell God... ask him to help you forgive..and to heal your hurt...then talk about that pretty blouse you want, or how nice the day is...or how sweet somebody has been to you...then go back to work...always stop talking when you find yourselves talking about people... because then you have talked too Thumpers mother said "When you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
* I am now 1/6 of the way throught my Bible!!