Psalm 37:37 Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace.
My Thoughts
I read this and thought of how wars were started with words. Oh what destruction words can do. The more I thought about this verse, the more I realized that we only truly love peace, only truly understand peace, when we learn to live at peace with the words that go on in our thoughts. How different would our lives be if we ask ourselves when we think something, "Would I say this out loud?" If the answer is "no" then we are not living in peace in our most private thoughts. True growth, or maybe ultimate growth is when we leant to love God's word in our minds. When we are totally honest not only with others but with ourselves. When we love to be at peace with our every thought. Can you imagine how much we can look forward to each new day with our thoughts at total peace?
If you think about it, the future only exists in our thoughts. Because once tomorrow arrives, it is today, the present. So if we can learn to make our thoughts peaceful thoughts our future will always be wonderful. Complete rest of thought. God tells us not to worry about tomorrow. That tomorrow has enough worries if it's own. So if we can learn to start out our "today's" thinking only on what we can accomplish today, giving our "today" to God, focusing on acting in love just for today. Taking control of only ourselves in this one day. If we could learn to be peaceful in just today, which is so doable, then we could so look forward to all our tomorrow's!
If we can learn to live in peace, at peace with ourselves, with our days that peace will flow over to our relationship with others.
If we can learn to live in peace, at peace with ourselves, with our days that peace will flow over to our relationship with others.
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