Proverbs 10:19 Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.
My Thoughts
The first thing we might think about when we read this verse is gossip... but today my mind went crazy with other thoughts about this verse. I love to talk (quit laughing). We all love to talk, to be heard. Anyway, this verse got me to thinking about how often we drown out the Holy Spirit leading our steps and our words with our chatter. If my mouth is always open how can I hear the Holy Spirit inside me leading the way for me. If the Holy Spirit isn't guiding my steps and my words and my actions then I am bound to sin. So often if we are not talking, we are listen to somebody or something else talk, like the TV or the Radio. How often do we drown out what is good by noise. I have been convicted lately to leave the TV off during the day and be in the quiet. I knit a lot during the day, so I don't really know what is going on on the TV... it was mostly to fill up the silent...and if it got interesting I would stop and listen. But when I knit I think about the stitches I am doing. What I have noticed since I turned off the TV (sometimes I slip and think I have to have the noise).. but what I noticed is how many new ideas come to me in the quiet. How many people cross my mind that I might send a short prayer up for. How peaceful I feel. I am beginning to love the quiet. I am beginning to hear the Holy Spirit more and more and more. Now that could only be a good thing. Keeping our mouth shut is as much about the hearing and it is about the things we shouldn't say. Let's try this, next time we are stressed by life, instead of drowning out the world with noise, lets drown out the world with quiet. Let's tell God we are listening.