I decided to start this blog (2010) because my son, John-Robert gave me a One Year Bible for Christmas, the New Living Translation... reading it has changed my life... I post a daily Bible verse on my Facebook page every day and it has been well received... I thought that this would be a wonderful way to share part of what I read each day!... I hope that you enjoy it.

This Year 2012 I am going to do things a little different... not much...just a little. I am again reading through my One Year Bible (for the 3rd time). But I am also using "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word" by Joyce Meyer. This book is divided by putting scriptures under different categories so they can be used to speak over our life situations. Each day I will read a category of scripture and pick a scripture in that category to write about.



Thursday, May 29, 2014


Psalm 119:98 Your commands make me wiser than my enemies; for they are my constant guide.

My Thoughts
We all long to be wise, to make smart choices. We all want to be smarter than the people that come against us. Right her God's word tells us how. If we learn what God teaches us in His word we will make wise choices. Don't you just love that!?!

On of the things I noticed most after I started reading my Bible and knowing what it says, is that my life is so much simpler! My choices are so much clearer. And even if someone does not like my choices, they tend to not be able to get us let at me for making a choice that goes align with God's word. I can make decision so much faster, because knowing God's word elimates so many of the things I use to think were a choice. After I make a choice in line with God's word I can go about my day without worry. 

Each new day in God's word brings more wisdom the growing never stops... That amazes me every day. What a blessing that God tells us how to make better choices! That He honors and protects us when we rely on His word. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


2 Samuel 13:15 Then suddenly Ammon's love turned to hate, and he hatted her even more than he loved her. "Get out of here!" he snarled at her.

My Thoughts
Ammon was so consumed with wanting Tamar that he was able to be talked into taking her by force. After she begged him to marry her so that she would not be dishonored. But his sin caused him to hate himself so much he couldn't love Tamar, even though he had loved her very much. 

How often do we do things we know we shouldn't to have something we want?  You can read this and think, "No worries here, I would never do what Ammon did!" But in truth we do it all the time in smaller ways. We do it when we don't wait on God's timing in our lives. 

One example I can thin of is when we go shopping for something we can't really afford yet. So we put our purchase on a credit card so we can have it now!  After all, we can pay the bill on the credit card. What is the big deal? The purchase feels really good, until we get home. Then the joy of having that pretty thing has vanished into thin air. There is a gnawing at out tummy that makes us wonder why. Even a month later when the bill comes in there is that feeling. When if we had just waited until we had the money, the purchase could have felt like a gift, a gift that God gave us because He loves us so.

See that is Satan telling us, "Buy this you deserve it! I know you don't have the money, but you want it!" Then Satan turns right around and uses what he tells us to do, against us. That is only one example..there art millions, one for every person. The I should clean the house but I won't, not yet. The I know I shouldn't watch "this" movie but I will. If there is guilt after we have done something it is something Satan talked us into! If there is joy after, it is something God asked us to do, or something that God is giving us. 

When we get ahead of God, we are saying to Him, "You don't do enough for me, I will take this into my own hands." All that does is give Satan power over us, and Satan uses that power to destroy us. It cause Ammon to hate the person he loved. 

Oh what joy we rob ourselves of by not waiting on God!  When we wait on God, He so often gives us much more than we get for ourselves.  That $80 dress that we "had to have"  could cost us at least triple if we can't pay it off and we can't pay it off, so we make the minimum payment. Along with the guilt we feel. If we just waited on God to tell us we could have it, we could have had three dresses. 

We get in such a big hurry to have, that we take away all the joy in having. And in that loss of joy we go after even more searching for joy. When waiting on God would give us joy in what we have already, and joy in what He gives us in His timing.  

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Psalm 119:29 Keep me from lying to myself; give me the privilege of knowing your instruction.

My Thoughts
Wow! This says so much in so few words! I have always heard the worse lies we tell are the ones we tell ourselves. David knew that lying to himself would only cause him harm. He also knew that knowing God's word, God's truth would help him not lie to himself. Knowing God's word also helps us to not believe the lies that the world tells us or that Satan tells us. 

The world tells us we need, need, need, God's word tells us that we only need God. The world can tell us we suffer many mental illnesses, God's word tells us that we are given a sound mind. Satan tells us we don't matter, God's word tells us that if God cares about the Lillie's of the field that .god cares even more for us. The world tells us that no one understands us, God's word tells us that He knitted us together in our mothers womb, which means God knows every part of our bodies and our minds. The list goes on and on.  When we believe what the world says about us and what Satan says about us, we are lying to ourselves. David knew he needed to know the truth, that the truth would set him free of so many things and set him on the right track. It also sets us free when we believe what God says about us. remember  God is the author of truth. When we believe the good God says about us, our lives begin to change in amazing ways! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Proverbs 15:28  The heart of the Godly thinks carefully before speaking, the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words. 

My Thoughts
This one is hard, it says in James 3: 8-10 but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison. Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. 10 And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right! 

We like to read this and think evil as Charles Manson evil...but evil is as simple as they out it in the Disney Movie Bambi... "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin at all." How often do we say something  as we are thinking, "I really shouldn't say this!" Then we just keep talking. The minute we do that we cross over into evil. It is a hard truth but one that if we learn it can save us so much grief and others in our lives so much pain. Sometimes it's those little hurts that can be the hardest to let go of.  And when we speak before we think we can never pull those words back in. They are out there forever. 

God's word not only tells u not to speak evil, it tells us what we should speak in Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  So this should be our check list for what we say... Is this wholesome, is it helpful, will it build up my family or my friend or even people that are not in my favorite list, will it benefit the person I am talking to? 

Oh what a quiet world we would live in if we all just strived to be an Ephesians 4:29 person! My world, my mouth...it can be a bit quit-er. I thin I will put this verse in an index card and carry it with me! 

Monday, May 19, 2014


1 Samuel 24:5-7 But then David's conscience began bothering him because he had cut off Saul's robe. "The lord knows I shouldn't have done that to my lord the king," he said to his men. "The Lord forbid that I should do this to my lord the king and attack the Lord's anointed one, for The Lord himself has chosen him." So David restrained his men and did not let them kill Saul.

My Thoughts
When I read this it brought Romans 13:1 to my remembrance, which says this, " Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God." David knew this, David knew that God puts people in power.  David's men had wanted him to kill Saul, David had only cut off a piece of Saul's robe and David knew that even that small act was wrong, David knew he needed to ask .god for forgiveness. 

We need to be very aware of this story and of Romans 13:1, it is God who puts people in power. Whether it is our president or our bosses at work. We need to honor the choice God has made and treat these people as God's anointed. Sometimes they may not see the anointed in them, but God has a plan and a purpose that we may never know and we are to respect that God knows. We are to respect the authority that God has placed above us.

I am often shocked and surprised at the people that post words and posters online agains our president. People that I know have read these very words... Every time it hurts my heart. I have been guilty myself, but once I read these words I knew that I must not make that mistake again. I have to guard my heart closely to make sure that I am very careful when I am frustrated. But I must, we must guard our hearts, our words and our post. We must remember God is in charge and we must respect that. 

I could not help but think that if we, all Americans stopped and prayed for our president, for our government what a difference those prayers would make. Prayers change things, prayers changes live vets for the better.  Grumbling and complaining, well that just puts off the blessings that God has waiting to pour out on us. Actually when we grumble and complain not only are we doing that against God, we are making the situation we are complaining about last longer. Our grumbling drags out our misery. Prayers on the other hand move things forward in the most perfect way, prayers put God into action and God knows what is best for all of us.

I challenge you that next time you are even tempted to grumble or complain about our government, that instead you send up a prayer. Be aware of how that one action changed you and how you feel in that moment. Then know that God did that to your heart, God brought on that peace. And of God can change your moment in such an amazing way, He can change the hearts of our leaders. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Proverbs 15:19 A lazy person's way is blocked with briers, but the path of the upright is an open highway. 

My Thoughts
When I read this verse, Romans 12:2 was brought straight to my remembrance...it says Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. I thought about how when we get to lazy to renew our minds each day it is harder to recognize the truth of what God tells us in His word. We get stuck in our decision making. Lost in what the world tells us. What the world tells us is the weeds in our lives, when we renew our minds daily with God's word our path is clear, as clear as a paved road. We know the truth, the right paths to take, we don't get confused and are less likely to make decisions that get us stuck for a while...we get instead to move forward.

I have to admit that this year I have not been as diligent. Things keep getting in my way of me doing my daily Bible reading. How many weeds have I let grow in my path because I didn't take the time. I know, I have experienced God honoring the time in my day when I take time for Him. Today he used this verse to let me know,p that weeds are beginning to grow on my path. He touched my heart when it was easy to pluck those weeds. He warned me that I have been able to walk around them and they didn't hinder my progress too much because I have keep the weeds at bay...but if I was not careful the weeds would begin to choke out my clear path...I wouldn't be able to see the lines in the road if I was not careful to keep my path weeded with God's word, with the daily renewing of my mind, and I could end up odd the clear path that God has set before me. 

I love how God can reach down and take our had ever so gently and pull us back where we need to be. I love that He loves me enough to say, "Okay Jeannie let's get you back where you need to be." I love that there is always a "let's" when God tells me I need to do something, because God gives me His grace to make me able. Oh how He loves us so! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014


1 Samuel 17:37 The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine! 

My Thoughts
David, who as a Shepard and had fought lions and bears, knew that it was not him who defeated the wild animals. David also knew that it would not be him who defeated the giant, Goliath. It was God with him who won the battles, and it was God who got credit for the victory. 

What we can learn from this is to see God in all our victories and blessings in our everyday lives. To know that God is our success, our strength, our provider, the One who looks over us and loves us. We can learn to give God the credit, to be aware of God in our lives. When we do this our confidence will grow, not in ourselves but in the One who provides for us and we will get better and better at relying on God. Then the more we rely on God the more He can entrust us with and the better our lives will become. Sure there will still be hardship and suffering along the way, even David, King David suffered hardships, but even those will be eaiser to bare with God as our strength.

David got his strength of heart from knowing God, from recognizing and remembering that God had been with Him. We can gather that same strength by being aware of God's presence in our lives, thanking Him and putting those many moments in our rememberence. When we do that we can draw courage to face life because we know that God is with us. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


1 Samuel 15:23a Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft, and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols.

My Thoughts
This just made me acutely aware that we have to stay aware that all sin is sin. No matter how the world classifies sin, to God a sin, is a sin, is a sin. So we must be very careful of the most harmful kind of lie, the lie s we tell ourselves. We must not spend time convincing ourselves that any sin justified because of this reason or that reason. Instead we must talk to God and ourselves about how to do better the next time a similar situation arises. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Psalm 109:27a Let them curse me if they like, but you will bless me!

My Thoughts
How often do we choose to please man because it will make our life easier? We choose to please man in so many ways, some of them are just by a preparing to agree when we don't, when we shouldn't. Some times it's by not walking away from a situation or conversation when we should.sometimes it's in huge ways. How many blessing from God do we miss to be people pleases? There is not one blessing that man can give is that is greater than a blessing from God. Deuteronomy 11:26 tells us that we choose blessings or curses.  We make the choice. Today as you are faced with choices choose God and watch for His blessings in your life! 

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Proverbs 14:30 A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones. 

My Thoughts
We can look at this and pass it off as a "well duh" statement, but God would not let me do that today, He made me think on it a while. The advertising world, the world in general tells us to be jealous that it is a good thing. It even tells us it makes us want more which makes us work harder so being jealous must be a good thing. To say to somebody that we like, really like what they have we often use the phrase "I am so jealous!" after stating we like something they have. The world feeds our jealousy in advertisements, it actually fuels the economy with making us jealous. We live in such a state of jealousy that we don't even recognize it. We are jealous of where people live, what kind of cars they drive, what kind of clothes they ware, hairstyles. I remember being jealous in Junior High of the kids that got braces, I had pretty straight teeth and I wanted braces. We are jealous of people's knowledge, their status in life. If we stay home we are jealous because someone works, if we work we are jealous that someone stays home. We are jealous that someone else's child has something that our child doesn't have... The list goes on and on and on. It is endless. It has become a way of thinking that we don't even recognize. And it is killing us.

And then while we are walking around in a state of jealousy... We feel left out, alone, isolated. We feel like no one hears us, like no one sees us. We are anonymous it can seem, in such a busy, busy world. And we think if we have more we will be seen, noticed, heard. 

After thinking about this for several hours today it occurred to me that we feel un-noticed because we spend so much time noticing the world that we don't notice ourselves and all that God has blessed us with. No matter how much we get, somebody has more. We tell ourselves that we don't measure up. All the while we are looking at somebody else's pile and we don't see our own pile of blessings. No wonder we are all walking around sick with something all the time... Jealousy is eating away at our being. 

How successful would we feel if we lived out, way out not surrounded by people daily? Not bombarded by advertisement telling is what we need? How satisfied would we feel with out lives if we only measured our lives to our lives from a year ago? How intelligent would we feel if we only measured out knowledge against our knowledge from a year ago? How successful would we feel if we only measure our abilities against our abilities from a year ago? And if we paid attention to our lives and our selves in such a way....wouldn't we feel less need for the attention of other people? Wouldn't we be better to attend to other people? 

Wanting more out of life, wanting more for ourselves, our families for our friends is a good thing, it does help us grow, but it is only growing us if we want more to better ourselves for the good of our life, the lives of our families and the people around us. Wanting more so people will notice us, only makes us notice ourselves even less, it actually stunts true growth. It even makes our bodies sick. 

I think I need to learn to ask myself, why do I want this? Why do I want to know this? Will this grow me? Will this benefit my family?  Will this enable me to do kindness for others? Then I need to be honest, totally honest with myself when I answer. If what I want is so the world can see me...I am moving in the wrong direction, I am acting out of jealousy. If it will better me, my family, my friends, my relationship with God then I am moving in the right direction,then I am growing, not having and that makes all the difference! 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


1 Samuel 2:9 He will protect his faithful ones, but the wicked will disappear in darkness. No one will succeed by strength alone. 

My Thoughts
No one will succeed by strength alone! I love this... We need God for success... We can't be strong enough, smart enough, wise enough, sweet enough, brave enough, the list can go on and on.... We need God in ever situation. God is who makes us what we are... if we walk with God, He will give us the tools we need to do what we need. We can go about life gathering what we thin are the necessary tools for success, but without God we can not succeed. My prayer each morning should be, "God today I want to be successful please step into my day and make that happen, In Jesus name, amen." 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


God gave me something to think about this week... We are taught to be kind and loving in our words and in our actions...but so often we are not taught to listen in love. So I have been thinking on this, just how do I listen in love? To learn to listen in love we have to know what love is, then apply that to our listening. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:4-6  ...... 4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out..... So I believe that if we listen in love... We are patient as we listen, not waiting to say what has come to our mind...we are kind as we listen not adding our own emotions to the story.... We are not jealous of what we hear, we just listen.... We do not want to interrupt with our own boa stings...we are not rude and interrupt the person we are listening to.... The way we don't demand our moment to talk. The way we listen without being irritable is by giving the speaker the total benefit of the doubt, choosing to believe the good in what they say and not turn it into something bad.... We listen in love when we don not rejoice when someone is telling us that they have been wronged... Another words we listen without letting our minds run away with our own thoughts  or our own agenda, we listen without looking for our next chance to talk...we listen with our hearts on the other person.  Listening in love takes effort and practice and patience. It may be the most important thing we do in our lives for another person. I must make an honest attempt, asking for God's grace to make me strong, and listen in love to those around me. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

John 4:36 The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!

My Thoughts
We get our minds so focused, as Christians, on how to be a harvester. Which is so important. But there can not be a harvest where a seed has not been planted. It takes many people to win souls to Christ and we each play a part. Each part is equally important, so important that Jesus promises us joy for being a planter or a harvester. As a harvester we get to see the fruits of our labor, so often as planter we have no idea that we have produced anything. 

Then comes the question, "How do we plant seeds that produce a good harvest?" The answer is love. Letting the love of Christ shine through out words and actions. By sharing our stories of how God loves us. By living a life rooted in God so deep that we walk in joy, so that people that see us what what we have. By living with integrity so that people know that they can trust us and what we say. 

How do we plant the seeds of God's love in our everyday lives? With a smile, a kind word, a soft touch that says, "I care!" We do it by listening, by meeting the needs of others. We do it by showing forgiveness in unforgivable circumstances. We do it by quietly, softly sharing what God does for us each and every day, by acknowledging His hand in all the good that is in our lives. 

When we live as planters, then sometimes we will get to be the person that harvest yet another soul for  God. But if we are never planting, because we are so focused in being a harvester, there will be nobody ripe and ready for the harvesting. 

Go out into the world today determined to plant the wonderful seeds of God's love in the lives of others! 

Friday, May 2, 2014


Psalm 102:26-28 They will perish, but you (God) will remain forever; they will wear out like old clothing. You will change them like a garment and discard them. But you are always the same; you will love forever. The children of your people will live in security. Their children's children will thrive in your presence.

My Thoughts
I felt a bit alone in the world when my mamma died, I often think of how that I don't want my children to feel alone, I don't want to leave them alone one day. God gave me such strength during that time, I can't imagine not having God and getting through the loss of a parent. The best thing I can leave my children, that will impact my grandchildren as well, is to love God. To express how much  God loves me, and them. To teach each them by example about what God can so in our lives. So that they can learn to see God working in their lives, learn to know Him, learn that He is ever present.

We work so hard at giving our children what the world says they need, what the doctor says they need, what other parents say they need, what the magazines say they need. We work at making sure that they have what their friends have because they "need" to fit in. We get exhausted from meting all those needs then we stay home on Sundays. We miss out on the opportunity to teach them about .god who is the one who can meet all their needs. The One that can be there for them in the places where we can, when we are no longer here.  Only God can be the constant generation after generation.