Psalm 121:1-4 I look up to the mountains-- does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and earth!
He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.
My Thoughts
We may ask when we read this, why do I stumble all the time then? Because God gives us free will, and we so often don't put God in the mix, we don't let God in on planning our day, we call Him in after our plans have failed.
I love that God never sleeps, this means that when we wake up in the middle of the night planning our tomorrow, we can ask Him what we should do. Imagine how often we could fall right back to sleep if we just asked God what we should be planning for our tomorrow's. Then imagine how much better our day would go because we consulted God with our planning.
So often I ask God what I should do in my day, and my day is given to me just as I planned it. But then God is a part of that plan and my day goes so much better because I invited God to be a part of all I did that day. Then some days I am stubborn, I am afraid God will tell me something different so I don't invite Him to help me plan my day, what do I miss out on in those days? God holding my hand and keeping me from stumbling. The wonderful thing about God is that he is there 24/7 and He in all His love will still help me through the mess I made by not including Him. He is there when I call out, I just have to get much better at calling out while I make plans, so I don't have to call out while I clean up from my mess.
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