1 John 4:17-19 Love has be perfected in me in this: that I may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so am I in this world. There is no fear in love: but perfect love cast out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. I love Him because he first loved me.
My Thoughts
This verse made me think of how when we feel guilty we live in such torment... torment creates more fear. Guilt torments us and often leads to depression and anxiety... stress and health problems. So many of us feel like we are not sorry if we don't feel guilty...we treat others as if they are not sorry for what they have done to us if they don't feel guilty. The devil love to perpetuate this in us... when we live in guilt we are stopped in our tracks..we can't move forward.
God is perfect love...and it tells us here that there is no fear in perfect love. Perfect love cast our fear. When God forgives us, He also forgets... He throws our sins as far as the east is from the west. He ask us to feel sorry for our sins, so that we learn in the process and don't keep committing them...then He gives us his forgiveness... forgiveness given in perfect love. That forgiveness frees us from guilt....we are guilty no more. We don't have to sit and waller in guilt to prove to God that we love Him... We prove to God that we love him by doing better and better and better at obeying Him. By spending time with Him... by praising Him and thanking Him. Not by feeling guilty... guilt is a form of torment...and perfect love cast out fear because fear involves torment!! God would never ever torment us.
When we feel that voice of guilt after we have gone to God for forgiveness...we need to recognize it as Satin himself...and just tell him out loud, "God has forgiven me!! I have been set free from that sin and you can just move on! I refuse to feel guilty! I choose to live in God's perfect love where I don't have to live in torment! I will not accept the feeling of guilt that you are trying to place on me...so just be on your way!" then we need to stop and thank God for His complete forgiveness and we need to thank Him for his perfect love!!
Next time you feel yourself feeling guilty for things in your past... remember that guilt does not come from God... God has cast those sins into the sea of forgetfulness!! God loves you.. God is proud of you for doing better!! Jesus accepted those sins and died for them on the cross... they are covered... now you can live in God's perfect love!! Perfect love that knows no fear!!
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