My Thoughts
I love it when I read something in the Bible that I didn't really get before and all the sudden it is so clear in my mind!!
Today as I read this verse I could see so clearly it applied to us as God's children. When we are doing what God ask, each day as we understand more and more and do better and better...we are like the rich man ...the devil is threatened...he knows we have so much in God and he wants to take it he starts putting things in our path to trip us up. The thing is..the devil doesn't want us...he just wants God not to have us... his anger is at God...and the more the devil can do to keep us from choosing God the better chance he has to keep something precious of God's.... we are treasures to God...and the devil doesn't want God to have these treasures. So he tries to take them by keeping us from doing God's will by putting stumbling blocks in our paths. Each time the devil does that we need to just say out loud..."I belong to God, I am his own special treasure and you can't have me!"
People go along all the time that seem to be doing nothing right and so often we wonder why things always go their way... that is because the devil doesn't need to keep something from God that isn't already God's treasure.
This is probably one of the reasons we need to be thankful when things aren't going so good in our lives... when we keep encountering stumbling blocks...those stumbling blocks are just a sign that we are God's special treasures and the devil just can't stand it.
Today when I face a problem...when something seems hard... my prayer is going to be "Thank you God that I am your very own special treasure! Help me to do your will in this situation so I can show the devil just how much I do belong to you!"
I love the thought of being a special treasure to God!
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