Psalms 33:15 He made their hearts, so he understands everything they do.
My Thoughts
I love this verse...I don't think I could pick a favorite verse I love so many of them. I love that God understands everything we do!! God knows our every thought. God knows why we are thinking the way we are thinking. The thing is that God knows our hearts better than we do. So God understands better than we do how our thoughts and actions effect us and others. When God corrects us it is because he loves us and knows we will be happier, more productive, more loving when we do what he ask.
To get a good mental picture of God understanding our hearts because he made them I got it in my head this way. I love to knit and crochet. I love to take a wad of thread and shape it into something pretty. When I give something I have made to somebody that doesn't knit or crochet they wear it, its theirs but they only know that is is pretty. They know how to keep it pretty if I tell them how to take care of it. But, if it begins to become unraveled they would not know how to fix it. They own it, it is theirs but they don't understand how it was made. So if it needed to be fixed they would need to bring it to me because I made it and I understand how it works. If they follow the instructions for care of the scarf then I can go about making something else for them to ware and enjoy. But if they keep doing things to harm their scarf I have to use my time fixing what they already have.
God knows how our heart works. God knows how it was put together and how it works best. God knows how to fix our heart when it comes unraveled or broken. What the Bible does is tell us how to keep our heart at it's best. How to care for it to get the most out of it. When our heart becomes unravel we take it to God and God makes it right again. If we follow God care and instruction for our heart it works better, it serves us better. If we take care of our heart the way we are supposed to then God can shower us with more gifts. But if we don't follow his instructions he needs to fix us so that we are able to use the gifts he wants to give us when we are ready for them.
The wonderful thing is when our hearts are not working right we can go to God and God can make it better, after all he made our hearts and he understands every working part.
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