I decided to start this blog (2010) because my son, John-Robert gave me a One Year Bible for Christmas, the New Living Translation... reading it has changed my life... I post a daily Bible verse on my Facebook page every day and it has been well received... I thought that this would be a wonderful way to share part of what I read each day!... I hope that you enjoy it.

This Year 2012 I am going to do things a little different... not much...just a little. I am again reading through my One Year Bible (for the 3rd time). But I am also using "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word" by Joyce Meyer. This book is divided by putting scriptures under different categories so they can be used to speak over our life situations. Each day I will read a category of scripture and pick a scripture in that category to write about.



Monday, April 26, 2010


Judges 6:16 The Lord said to Gideon, "I will be with you.  and you will destroy the Midianites as if you were fighting against one man."

My Thoughts
Gideon was the weakest of his family... his family was the weakest of the tribe....and his tribe was the weakest of all the tribes... yet God chose to use Gideon to defeat the Midinaties who were so strong and big... but God said I am with you like they were just one man.... God is with us when we walk with him... when strive to learn and do God's will... when you hear God asking you to do something...or you know in deep down in your soul that there is something that you are supposed to do and you think you can't for any reason, remember God is on your side and when you do his will he will be with you... he will give you the words you need to say, or the resources you need to accomplish his will, he will replace the money you give to someone in  need... God will make you able and strong when you do his will...we may not be Gideon but we are God's child just as Gideon was.... and God gives us instruction in his word and in our hearts...never fear to do what is good, what is right, what God wants because God works for the good of those who love for him (Romans 8:28).... just like he did with Gideon.

1 comment:

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

You know I have read this passage many time and I guess I never thought it all the way through, but you are right, they were the weakest of all the tribes. Isn't it amazing what God can do when we walk with Him? Thank you!