I decided to start this blog (2010) because my son, John-Robert gave me a One Year Bible for Christmas, the New Living Translation... reading it has changed my life... I post a daily Bible verse on my Facebook page every day and it has been well received... I thought that this would be a wonderful way to share part of what I read each day!... I hope that you enjoy it.

This Year 2012 I am going to do things a little different... not much...just a little. I am again reading through my One Year Bible (for the 3rd time). But I am also using "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word" by Joyce Meyer. This book is divided by putting scriptures under different categories so they can be used to speak over our life situations. Each day I will read a category of scripture and pick a scripture in that category to write about.



Saturday, July 31, 2010


Romans 14:12-13  Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God.  So let's stop condemning each other.  Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall.

My Thoughts
It says earlier in chapter 14:1 accept other believers who are weak in faith, and don't argue with them about what they think is right or wrong... I believe that this is so important!...and here is a true story that happened to me that illustrates whey we should be so careful to encourage other believers and not condemn them... years ago by husband and I  ate dinner with a couple, he knew the husband... I hardly knew the wife...they were big into church (still are)... and we were going to church here and there... but I loved God... and I was being good, and sweet and kind...and I wanted to do the right things!... and I was getting there... well that night nothing I said was right, nothing!...(and some things were!)... and I could not even finish a thought and get to my point without a scripture being thrown at me... I was insulted, using God's word at every turn... I felt like she thought I was trash, the devil in disguise... and I can tell you that I may not always do the right thing...but I am a good, kind person... by the time I left that house I was angry, I felt defensive of myself... I didn't defend myself... after all I was  not allowed to finish a sentence.... (she was never really unkind... just unaprove-ing of all that I said)..... but I walked out the door of that house... with that person that was apparently trying to get  me to live right...and I did not go back to church for 10 years... because, I thought,  if that is the kind of people that are in church,  I don't want to be in church... this Christian person had pushed me away from God... we should encourage people by our actions... not condemn people with our words... we should be the love of God!... our actions as Christians should be the proof that God loves us always, and will forgive us always... Christians should be the proof that grace abounds... we should be the place of refuge when somebody does something wrong, the person they can go to to cry to when they figure it all out...and we should love them and hug them and pray with them for God's forgiveness, we should encourage every step toward serving God no matter how small... because each step leads to another... we should never, NEVER be the person that says you are not doing this good enough, you are not doing this right, you do not love God good enough!... We should be the place of comfort, encouragement, love, forgiveness and help.. we should are suppose to strive to be like God! We need to be and example of grace and mercy and love... we need to act like Christians.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Romans 13:6 Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons.  For government workers need to be paid.  They are serving God in what they do.

My Thoughts
So often we go about trying to do good.. be good all the time... then we slip up we forget all that God has asked us to do... we ask so much of our government... we drive on the roads out taxes pay for, our kids learn from the teachers our taxes pay for ... we expect to be taken care of  in our old age... this our taxes pay for.... we want to be protected by the police if we call 911... these people that watch over us are paid for by our taxes.... some kids that couldn't go to college go to college on pale grants paid for by our taxes...... and the list goes on and on and on... yet we will pay for something in cash to keep from paying taxes... we will lie on our income taxes so we get back more of the taxes we have paid...people that have been blessed with business that provide them with so much will lie on their taxes so they can pay less..... and yet we will call ourselves honest... we get mad at people that arn't "honest" while not paying all our taxes.... God demands that we pay our taxes... God says that the people that work for the government are serving him... we need to honor God by paying our taxes... we need to honor God by never ever cheating anybody... Romans 13:12 says "Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God's law."  ... we do wrong to others when we don't pay our share of taxes that put a greater burden on "others" that do.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Proverbs 20:10 False weights and unequal measures -- the Lord detest double standards of any kind.

My Thoughts
We like to think of this in a business term ... that way we can read it and think...I am fair and move on... but it says that the Lord detest double standards of any kind... so this verse encompasses so much if we stop and think about it ... if we want somebody to smile at us, we need to smile at them... if we want somebody to do extra little things for us (our spouse) ... we need to do extra little things for them.... if we want somebody to call us, we need to call them.... if we want somebody to work for us, we need to work for them when they ask..... if we want somebody to listen to us, we need to listen to them.... if we want somebody to care about us, we need to care about them.... if we want somebody to be our friend, we need to be somebody's friend... what is it that you need in your day, from your family, from your work, from your friends... are you doing that thing for others?  I know that sometimes I'm not doing what I expect in return... I am going to work on this!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Isaiah 41:10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

My Thoughts
I usually pick a verse from my daily Bible reading...today I was compelled to pick this verse it is one of many that I pray over my life and the life of my family and friends each and every day... I say God help me and my family and my friend remember not to be afraid for you are with you... help us not be discouraged , for you are our God... help us remember that you will strengthen us and help us.. please hold us up with your mighty right hand... I pray these things over you today...I pray that you know without a doubt that God is with us... and we don't need to be afraid... when we feel fear...that is just God telling us to hit our knees... and he will take care of the rest...as soon as we hit our knees and give everything we are worried about to him...if we then get up and do our part God will...  GOD WILL do the rest!!... Thank you God for all you do for us!!... thank you God for giving us this day!!!.. thank you God for life and love and friends and family...thank you God for taking care of us... thank you God that if we put forth and effort you put forth the rest!... In Jesus name!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


2 Chronicles 20:15 He said "Listen, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Listen, King Jehoshaphat! This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid! Don't be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God's.

My Thoughts
When we ask Jesus into our hearts we become God's children... our battles become his and no longer belong to us... they are God's battles... God told King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah and Jerusalem to prepare for this battle...but God did the fighting... God won the battle... God tells us to prepare for battle...with his word... his word makes us stronger in all that we do... if we do the preparing just as Jehoshaphat and his people did... God will fight the battle for us ...and win!... just as he did for Jehoshaphat and his people... Prepare for you daily battles, with the armor of God's word...then turn the battle over to God... for if God is with us who can be against us! (Romans 8:31)

Monday, July 26, 2010


Psalms 20:7-9 Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God. Those nations will fall down and collapse, but we will rise up and stand firm. Give victory to our king, O Lord! Answer our cry for help.

My Thoughts
As long as the Children of Israel were giving thanks to the Lord, as long as they were proud of what God had done for them... as long as they gave God the credit they were a strong nation... they had everything they needed!!... but once they became proud of themselves, once they started proving themselves by what they had instead of proving themselves by the power and love of God, they fell... we will fail as a country if we forget what God has done for us... if we don't remember that all that we have is because God gave it to us... we will fail as a country if we keep trying to keep up with our neighbors... trying to prove ourselves through things and greed and power!... We must bow down and thank God...we must declare God as the great leader of our country, our state, our city, our neighborhood, our home, our life.... we must learn to live in God's guidelines... we must learn to thank God for all that we have... we must learn to give God the credit for all that we have... we must learn to trust God in all that we do... we must learn to say it doesn't matter what I have... it matters that I love God... we must remember that if we love God and put God first in all that we do... that the rest will fall into place...and when the rest falls into place we must remember that God is why we have who we have, God is why we have what we have, God is why we have the ability to earn what we earn... God is why... and we must quit boasting of our chariots and horses... we must boast in the name of the Lord our God!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


2 Chronicles 15:2b The Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him! Whenever you seek him you will find him. But if you abandon him, he will abandon you.

My Thoughts
This was proven over and over again with the Israelites... when they trusted in God, when they worshiped God, when they got rid of all other idols, when they followed God's law God was with them in everything they did ... but when they abandoned God and did not ask God for his help things were always going wrong.  I have noticed this in my life... when I am doing what God ask he is with me... I can handle what ever comes up.. even if it is something hard... I have the strength to handle it and it all works out for the good in the end... but when I do not depend on God, when I try to do it all on my own, boy can I make a mess.  The wonderful thing about God is that is is always right there!!... just a prayer away... we may have to suffer the consequences for our actions ... but God will help us get through the consequences... and if we depend on him even after we have really messed things up... God will make things all right again.... if you feel like you have really messed things up... tell God... he loves it when we are totally, completely honest.. say God I have really messed this one up... I forgot to come to you when things were good... I have not been doing the things you tell me to do to keep my life in good working order.. God I know that I will still have to suffer the consequences for my actions.. but please God help me to move forward and do better... please bless my efforts... please forgive me for trying to do it myself... That is how David prayed when he messed up and God was always right there, always with David... just as he is always with us when we call on him and do what he ask us to do!... God wants us to never give up, to never lose faith, he wants us to succeed in all that we do!... all we have to do is seek after Him.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Romans 8:38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither dearth nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-- not even the powers of hell can separate us for God's love.

My Thoughts
We have to know that this is true!!... God sent Jesus and watched him suffer and die so that we could be forgiven... because God loves us so much!!... the only thing that separates us from God is us... the only way to be separate from God is if we turn our back on God...nothing else... nothing we do wrong keeps God from loving us... nothing we think will keep God from loving us... nothing we feel will keep God from loving us... God loves us even when we separate ourselves from him... God is always there, for everything.  God is who we can talk to when we are sad, mad, frustrated, angry, confused... we can talk to God about anything!... we can confess anything to God and God still loves us... God wants to make  us feel better, do better, be better... God is always there waiting to help us with any and every situation or feeling we have... God is there to rejoice with every accomplishment and every joy we have... God will not leave us, God will not abandon us... God loves us no matter.  God give us rules and boundaries to keep us safe... to help our lives be better, run smother... God gives us these boundaries because he loves us not as a reason to push us away!!  God is walking right there beside you to love you, to help you, to be with you... God loves you... all you have to do is let him!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Psalms 18:35 You have given me your shield of victory.  Your right hand supports me; your help has made me great.

My Thoughts
Have you every wanted to be great at something, King David was great at being King, I don't care to be a king or a queen but I have always wanted to be great at something!... God will give us victory... God will support us!... God will make us great at something!... we have to follow God, trust in God, listen to God, do the things God ask of us in all areas of our life...take time to learn what it is God wants us to do by spending time in his Word...by spending time in prayer...  if we do this... God will make us great at something just as he made David great at being King.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Romans 8:6 So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death.  But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to peace.

My Thoughts
Wow this is so powerful...so powerful!!... have you ever done something, said something, thought something,  bought something that you knew you shouldn't have... you just did it anyway ... you had that nagging feeling don't do this, do say it!, stop thinking is, don't spend that!!  But you ignored that feeling, that thought, justified that feeling or thought or action... So often our actions lead to the death of a plan... our mouths lead to the death of a friendship.. dwelling on bad thoughts lead to the death of our happiness,  our spending leads to the death of a dream. So often the Holy Spirit that God put inside of us to guide us is screaming out to us and we don't listen... I am guilty!!... we all have done it!!!.. known, known we shouldn't have done something and did it anyway... and felt that instant feeling of unrest inside our bodies...then to try and satisfy that uneasy feeling we have created by not listening to God we do something else we know we shouldn't do... and move farther and farther from peace!!...We have all done the opposite too.. we have kept our mouth shut when we felt that nagging feeling telling us to stop before we spoke or did something... we have changed out thought process, we have smiled inside because we put something back we didn't need to by.. we have felt very satisfied... and at peace because we choose to listen to the Holy Spirit inside of us...that peace we feel is amazing... you just can't put a price on peace of mind!! We could have that peace of mind.. all the time if we just learn to listen to the Spirit inside of us... if we would learn to ask before do.. should I do this... and act on what we hear the spirit say... ask should I say this?... and learn to act on what the spirit says to us... should I be thinking this... and learn to act on what the spirit says...  should I buy this??? ... learn to act on what the spirit says... if we would do this... practice this!!! we would have a peace that passes all understand... it says right here in Romans 6:8 "But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to peace."  One way to recognize that you are not listening to what the Spirit says is when you hear yourself justifying your actions... to you... nobody else... you in you mind telling yourself why what you are about to do is ok... if you have to convince yourself you are not being guided by the Spirit... you are in essence arguing with God, telling God why what you want to do is better than what he is telling you to do.  So next time you feel yourself talking your into doing something...say God I will stop and listen to your Spirit guiding me... should I do this?.. should I say this?.... should I feel this?... should I spend this?... if you feel yourself justifying your actions for the situation rise up in  you the answer is probably NO.. if you feel a peace come over you.. the answer is a huge yes!!...Learn to ask God and learn to listen.  I have so often set and justified an action that I was about to make... I so should have taken that as a warning that I was about to do it wrong... I am so just learning to know how to listen to God... but I have started asking... I am so learning find that peace that God has intended me to have... and I can have it if I put God in control of all my actions, my words, my thoughts, my spending, my waking up, my laying down... For that peace that passes all understand  all we have to do is put God in control of all, all the decisions in our lives!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Psalms 139:1-4 1 O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.

My Thoughts
A couple of days ago we talked about God being our friend... right here it tells us that God knows us like a good friend knows us... he knows us better than a good friend knows us... have you ever had that feeling about your very best friend... you might as well tell them your secret... they are going to know when they see your face... God knows without even seeing your face... God knows everything about us...every action, every reason behind the action, every thought... God is with us everywhere we go... God knows... so don't ever think you can't tell God something about your feelings or your weaknesses... God already knows... now don't feel like OH NO!!... instead say OH YES God knows already... we can go to God with everything! everything.. where we are weak he will make us strong... where we are empty he will fill us up... when we area happy he will rejoice with us... where we are broken he will heal us.  The only person that stops God from making our lives completely right is us... we are the only person that can get in the way of all that God has for us... the way we do that is by not asking God to be a part of our sitting down and standing up... our thoughts... our decisions.. the only time God is not a part of everything we do is when we don't ask him to be... God is right there knowing all the we are and do and feel and think... God just gives us free will to choose Him... so he is right there, right beside you and when you say "God help me, be a part of my thoughts and decisions, be a part of my coming and going... of my sitting and standing... be a part of my life." God just reaches out and takes your hand your heart your mind and he leads you!! Just ask God he is right there anyway... ask him to be a part of all that you are!!... God is only good and kind and just and right... God is the one being that only and always wants the best for you... so you can't go wrong by choosing God!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Psalms 16:8 I know the Lord is always with me, I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.

My Thoughts
Oh this just spoke to me this morning...so strongly!!... I have suffered great anxiety and panic in the past.. since I have been reading my Bible daily I seldom have trouble with that anymore... but sometimes the devil sneaks in and anxiety takes hold... and the devil uses that to make me weak and doubtful... this is the verse that I will use now!!... it was just so exciting to read... I know this to be true..that God is always with me... I know that the only person in the world that can come between me and God is me.... and I will not let that happen.. when I feel my heart start to pound!...I will say this wonderful verse over and over again "I know the Lord is always with me, I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me!!!!" I am writing this one down and putting it all over the house until it is a thought that I have so automatically that I forget that  it was never a part of me!!  Always remember you are the only person that can get between you and God... He is ALWAYS  with you!!
Hugs!.. Have a blessed day!!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Romans 5:11 So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.

My Thoughts
I just love this... "made us friends of God"... what we love about a good friend is that know us inside and out and love us anyway... they know what we are thinking even before we say it... they understand our pain... we can go to them with anything and trust them!!... they know us so well even if we say or do something the wrong way they know our heart and our intentions... they trust our heart and out intentions... they give us always the benefit of the doubt... Through Jesus we have been made friends with God... what better friend to have on your side...what better friend to have in your corner... God is a friend who will never ever even accidentally give you the wrong advice... God will never ever be tempted to tell your secret... God will never ever stop loving you.. God will always, always see your heart.... God will always love you.. Always... We need to make God our very best-est friend ever!!... God needs to be who we to to when we are in trouble or sad... God needs to be the one we run to when we are happy... God needs to be the one who gives us advice... We need to make God our very best friend!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Romans 5:3-4 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.  And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.

My Thoughts
God makes us stronger in trial when we depend on him... He is there with us .. and in Isaiah 41:10 God says he will uphold us with his mighty righteous right hand... God tells us he will take care of us... when we go through trials and hardship... we will be stronger on the other side.. we know God has helped us through... and the next trial we know even more to depend on God... we have come so far when we go into a difficult situation and start out saying God I know that you are here with me...I know that you will take care of me... I know that I can make it through this with you... we have come so far when we cry out to God in the beginnig of our trials starting out with hope... instead of crying out in desperation!!...now that is the character God wants us to have ... to give all our care to him at all times...not just when we are desperate... God wants us to have a confident hope of his help in every situation!!... True strength of character is knowing and believing in God with all things in our lives and rejoicing in all situations because God brings beauty from ashes!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Luke 6:38 Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.

My Thoughts
We live in such a me, me world... What can I have?  What can I buy?  What can I get?   But God ask us to do for others.. to give... and God will reward us for that giving... but we must give from our heart... for all the right reasons... imagine what life would be like if everybody was looking for a way to give to people.. a way to give back to God for the things he has done for us...not only would you be giving to others, others would be giving to you... and I know without a doubt that what you give would  be more rewarding to your heart than what you get from others... imagine Black Friday (that big shopping day after Thanksgiving)... People have been killed on that day!... trying to GET... is that really what God would want...us to be grabber and takers and shovers??... is that really the way to start off the Holiday Season... imagine if we all took that day to be kind... to let others have the last best toy... the last best deal... imagine if we were all sweet and kind and giving on that day... if when we stood at the register and somebody had to put something back we said no, no don't do that... here I have $3... or $10... if God presses down, shakes together to make room for more what a wonderful Christmas we would have!!!... Look around you today... find a way to give!... Give a smile, a helping hand, food, clothing, give a hug... when you find yourself wanting today... stop and find something to do for somebody else and see if that fulfills your heart better than anything you could buy!

Friday, July 16, 2010


Romans 3:22 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ.  And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.

My Thoughts
Isn't this just so exciting... "WE ARE MADE RIGHT!" How wonderful are those words!!!... God loves us so much that he sent Jesus and made us right, freed us from all of our sins, every single one of them!! This is just the most exciting news.  If you have been made right by God I encourage you to read God's word each day!!... so that you can remember always how you are mad right by the blood of Jesus... so you will know with out a doubt that God has and does forgive you... so you will see the blessing God wants to bestow on your life...so that you learn to hear God when he speak to you... so you will know all that you can ask God for. We are made right!...

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Romans 2:25b And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people.

My Thoughts
When we find ourselves asking would so-in-so be happy with me if I did this... STOP...and say instead "Would God be happy with me if I did this?"... that is the only answer we need!... when we face a difficult situation and we think we have the answer... or even "know" we have the answer, before we apply our answer we need to ask "Would God be happy with me if I did this?"  if we wonder if we should say something we need to ask ourselves "Would God be happy with me if I said this?"  God will not tell you to do the wrong thing... God in his infinite wisdom only makes the right choices in our lives for us!! ... ask God before you make a decision "God will you be happy with me if I do this?"... you will feel the answer deep in your soul!... You will know!!.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Proverbs 19:8 To acquire wisdom is to love oneself; people who cherish understanding will prosper. 

My Thoughts
God loves us...and he wants us to love ourselves!!... when we learn what God wants in our lives, we we acquire wisdom and apply that wisdom we will feel good about ourselves... we will be able to love ourselves... we will be able to function to do what we need to do.... we will prosper... one because God loves us... and he is with us when we are doing what he ask of us... two we we love ourselves we feel good... we are happy and we are more productive...that productiveness will lead us to having more of the things that God wants us to have... God wants to spoil us... and when he know he can trust us with his gifts he gives us those gifts.... Love yourself enough to acquire wisdom...and with that wisdom you will be able to love yourself even more!...isn't God wonderful!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Romans 1:20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky.  Through everything god made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

My Thoughts
This verse made me think...even those of us who know God can go through a whole day without thinking of him!... a whole day... yet we walk out the door of our homes and see a beautiful sky... or rain falling from the sky... just think of that water literally falling from the sky... That is God!.... the grass, trees, flowers!!... all the beautiful colors... where I live you can walk out your door in the spring and summer and hear a symphony of birds singing in the mornings!! Yet we get in our cars and drive away to work without even thinking of God?  How can we even do that??... but we have all done it!!... today... everyday but start today...when you get in your car...on your drive to work, or to town or where ever you might be going... watch the world and thank God for all he has created along the way!! Just think how wonderful you feel when you make something for somebody and they remember to say thank you!!... God made the earth for us...and all the good things in it!!!... lets tell God thank you for the things he made for us... just think how much better you day will have to be if you start your ride to work or play with all that wonderful appreciation for what God has done!!

Monday, July 12, 2010


I Chronicles 13:14 The Ark of God remained there in Obed-edom's house for three months, and the Lord blessed the household of Obed-edom and everything he owned.

My Thoughts
God's spirit lived inside the Ark of God when he was with  the Israelites... and because Jesus died for our sins the Holy Spirit can come and live inside of us!!... the Lord blessed the house of Obed-edom and everything, everything he owned, because the Holy Spirit lives inside of us as Christians God will bless us... I am sure that Obed-edom did everything possible to live like God wanted him to, worshiped God all the time, God was right there with Obed-edom, in his house! I believe Obed did everything he could to please God and he was blessed for it...I believe that the Holy Spirit lives inside of us when we become Christians and we should act just as Obed did when God lived with him... I believe the Ark was the center point of Obed's home...and the Holy Spirit should be the center point of our lives and we will be blessed just as Obed was... do you think God would have blessed Obed if he had put the Ark of God in the closet, hidden it from everybody??... I don't think so ... when we don't put God center in our lives we lose the blessings of God... but when we put God center in our lives...it shows in all we do and say and then God will want  to bless us just like he blessed Obed.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Proverbs 19:1 Better to be poor and honest then to be dishonest and a fool.

My Thoughts
Being dishonest is a sin, a sin we do on purpose and it separates us from God...Isaiah 59:2 tells us "Sin separates us from God." Yet often people are dishonest in their relationships, or their business to try and with favor... to win favor with man. So this verse says it is better to be honest before God, have favor with God than to be dishonest with man and have favor with man.  God is the one who blesses us!!... The devil can trick us and make us think dishonesty is working.. but God knows and he is the one that blesses us or keeps blessing from us.  The next time you think being dishonest will save your "butt" then think do I want to please God or do I want to please man?" I believe that if you loose out because you were honest with man, before God that what you will gain in due time will be far greater than what you lost by your lies.  So the next time you are tempted to lie to save your "butt," choose truth and save your relationship with God.  I promise the feeling of relief  you feel after you tell the truth will be way more rewarding, because God rewards us for doing what is right and just. 

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Psalms 37:23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly.He delights in every detail of their lives.

My Thoughts
If we do what God ask of us, if we spend time with Him each and every day, learning what God wants from us, God will be with everything we do... he delights in every detail. God will watch over us and protect all of our steps if we are godly... it is as simple as that!.. It's like saving money, at first is seems hard to be careful and save...then it gets a little easier...then you get the rewards from doing it!... That is how learning to spend time in God's word is... at first it seems like it just takes your time... its hard to fit in... then it is easier... a part of your day... something you just do... and then with your faithfulness you really began to see the rewards for your time with God and life is just so much easier... even the hard parts are so much easier to get through.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Joshua 1:8  "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

My Thoughts
We are so, so busy in today's world...just go, go, go... so often we feel like we don't have time to read the Bible, God's Holy Word... and we get busier and feel like we have less time... when fact is if we take time to study God's word... he will bless the time left over in our days!!... if we study God's word... and talk to God wisdom grows in our soul... and the decisions we make are so much less of a struggle!!... if we take time for God he will make sure the time we need is there... its says clearly here in God's word that if we learn God's work and think of it day and night we will be prosperous and successful... successful doesn't have to mean a great person that accomplishes many things, like Donald Trump... it can mean being successful in getting kids where they need to be, getting dinner on the table, getting the laundry done... sometimes we need energy to be successful in our day... God will give us that energy if we take time for Him!... sometimes we need all the red lights to be green so we can get somewhere on time.. if we take time to read God's word and know it in our heart that morning before we leave the house... we will fall in perfect timing with the lights.... God knows what your success needs to be... and God will help you be your kind of successful if you take time to know God and what God's word says... and to live what God's word says... if you want to be a success at being a mom or dad, read God's word, if you want to be a successful coach, read God's word, if you want to be a successful business person, read God's word, anything that you want to be successful at that is in accordance with God's word you can be successful at if only you take time for God and for all that He has for you!!  If you know God's will in your life, you WILL be successful.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Acts 26:20 (Paul said) I preached first to those in Damascus, then in Jerusalem and throughout all Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that all must repent of their sins and turn to God--and prove they have changed by the good things they do.

My Thoughts
Being a Christan is more than believing Jesus is the Son of God, and asking him into your heart... that is a must... that will get us to heaven...but God does ask that we prove that we have changed by the good things we do... we must go about doing good, being good, speaking good ... it is important to show God that we have changed... to reap the rewards of being a Child of God both here and in heaven we must do the things God ask of us...and God only ask that we do what is good and just and loving and kind... prove today that you have changed by doing good things!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Psalms 5:3 Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my request to you and wait expectantly.

My Thoughts
King David wrote this..and as we know David found much favor with God!... he did what was pleasing to the Lord.. it tell us over and over again in the Bible that David pleased God.. an example of this is 2 Chronicles 29:2 He did what was pleasing in the LORD's sight, just as his ancestor David had done... So we ourselves would be wise, very wise to learn from what David did.. David talked to God each morning!!.. every morning.. David started his day with God.. .he didn't wait until the day was over and ask God to fix what he has messed up... he started his day with God and ask God to lead him through his day... David also let God know what he wanted...and because David loved God, God love giving David the things he wanted things that were good things in the sight of God... then the last thing David did..wait expecting his prayers, his request to be answered... David knew that when he was good in God's sight, when he did things that pleased God that God loved rewarding him... and David wasn't afraid to tell God the things he wanted.. if you find  yourself waiting for your life to change...take charge and change it... start your day with God!!.. its good to end your day with God... but always remember its more important to start you day with God.. David did and God was so pleased with David!! Let's make God pleased with us!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Psalm 4:4 Don't sin by letting anger control you.  Think about it overnight and remain silent. 

My Thoughts
This verse doens't say stew on your anger overnight and get more and more angry....it says think about it over night... and Philippians 4:7 says Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus... your mind is where your thoughts are... we are to guard our thoughts  always.. but expecially when we are angry... listen to what the holy spirit tells us ... if we guard our thougths we don't belive the lies the devil tells us... we ask God how to think about our anger, what to do about what we are angry about... when you sit and listen to the thoughts the devil puts in your head you get angerier and angerier... when you listen to what God tells you to do  you began to feel more at peace about your decison about how to handle what you have been upset about... sometimes you wake up and arn't even angry anymore... somtimes you wake up with a resolve and a peace about how to handle the situation that made you angry in the first place.. remember when you are letting anger control you.. the devil is happy... you are believing the lies he puts in your head... when you feel peace about a stiuation you are letting the Holy Spirit guide you and God is pleased! Our choice should always be to please God.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Proverbs 18:14 The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear a crushed spirit?

My Thoughts
Oh we have all seen this... really sick people with amazing spirits that live long past what doctors expect...that are able to do things...that keep moving in spite of their circumstances and amaze us with their ability to keep going...  then we have seen sad, lonely people with a crushed spirit that seemed healthy in body that were so totally immobile... we have seen people so crushed that the literally died of Broken Heart Syndrome... so many of these people just feel totally totally lonesome... and their crushed spirit pushed the people away that they did have in their lives...it pushes people away that see them in public when they are out getting stuff they need ... the are so withdrawn that people are afraid to speak to them. What is so sad about those people is all they needed was a close walk with God to know that they are so not alone!!... hope in their future that you can so find when you are aware of God's love... we have all seen the positive too...those people that were so glowing in God's love that they draw people to them like a magnet... not only do they never feel alone when they are all by themselves...when they are out in public people are striking up conversations with them.. smiling at just site of these people that glow.... and making them feel inspired to do more... Now if this is not a reason to pick up your Bible and start reading... if this is not a reason to lean to be in daily prayer with God.... if this verse doesn't prove the power of God's greatness and goodness to you... your spirit may already crushed... if you feel your spirit is crushed I encourage you to pick up your Bible today... talk to God...and do this again tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow... God will help you endure anything because he give your spirit strength.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

My Thoughts
I was so thinking about this verse today... and it really got me so excited!!... We have no promises of tomorrow...we have today!!... and if we live today...just today with plans to do what is right and good... tomorrow will take care of itself... Here we are ask only to worry about today...and in Philippians 4:6 it says  "Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to GOD. And the peace of GOD which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in CHRIST JESUS."... so tomorrow will worry about itself...and today we give all our worries to God!!... I can give a days worries to God... when I start stumbling is when I try to take on the whole future!!... when I have thoughts like I can not do this forever... those things I think I can't do forever I can do for today!!!... and today and today...if only I don't get ahead of myself... when I find myself completely zapped of energy is when I am so totally worried about the future... because, after all. I always figure out a way to get through today.... so think how much easier today would be to get through if I didn't expend all my energy not only worrying about tomorrow but the next day and the next day...the rest of my life!!  We even think things like I can't be that good forever!!..but you can be that good for today!!  If we would truly lean to be anxious for nothing of today... just depend on God for today... to do our best to do our best just for today... to trust in God for today!!... to not gossip for today!!... to be kind for today!!!...we can do anything for a day!!... just think how amazing...truly amazing our lives will be if we just live today!.. I am just so excited!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Psalms 1:2 But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.

My Thoughts
The definition of meditate is 1 : to engage in contemplation or reflection 2 : to engage in mental exercise (as concentration on one's breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness - transitive verb 1 : to focus one's thoughts on : reflect on or ponder over 2 : to plan or project in the mind :

God wants us to think about what he wants us to do, how he wants us to conduct ourselves at all times.... God wants us to remember what he wants for us.... to know he is with us always in all ways... He wants us to be in constant awareness so that we will always be kind, loving our neighbor as ourselves, God wants us to always, always, always in every situation to stop and ask "God how do you want me to handle myself in this situation or conversation" and listen for the answer. To be able to meditate on what God wants from us, both day and night, we have to know God's word and be in constant prayer. It is a lot like taking care of your money...at first it is hard and takes lots of effort...then it gets  a bit easier and easier..... and then all the sudden you find yourself with more instead of less... and then it just becomes second nature to do what is right with handling your money.. and you have some to pay the bills with, and some to enjoy and some in reserve for things that come up.... if we store God's word in our heart so much so that we can always meditate on it... it will help us get through the normal day, it will give us peace and relaxation when we have time to enjoy life...and it will keep us strong during tough times... I always think of putting money in the bank as buying peace of mind... when you put God's words in your heart your are buying peace of heart.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.

My Thoughts
I pictured this when I was thinking about this verse... when kids are little, really little they run to their moms and dads for everthing..everthing...and we can help them...even if they break something they come to  you and say look I broke this... we take them up and hug them and glue the pieces back together... we can help them right off because they come to us... but as they get older they hide their problems...the run away from us...and we can't help them... even though we are more than willing... and when we do get a chance to help them some of the broken pieces are lost...and we can't glue it all back together....if we don't know about their problems we can't help them... if they were sharing everything with us like they did when they were little we could even keep them from so many of their problems...but they don't run to us they run away from us... God helps us when we ask...but he wait until we ask... and if we are always running and hiding from God we often have waited to long for him to help us...the problem is already in motion.... but if we are in constant contact with God he is there before the problem even happens... or he is there just as it begins in time to put the breaks on a problem we are having...in time to fix the problem before it spirals out of control...if we are walking daily with God he stops our actions before we have to suffer the consequences...if we wait until we are in the mist of the consequences of our actions all God can do at that point is lessen the consequences... so lets always run to God...not away from him... God wants to help us!!... all of God's choices are pure and perfect for our lives... lets keep in constant contact with God!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Acts 21:13 But Paul said, " Why all this weeping? you are breaking my heart! I am ready not only to be jailed at Jerusalem but even to die for the sake of the Lord Jesus."

My Thoughts
Paul was jailed... Paul gave up his freedom to live for God... and was willing to give up his life... We need to be more like Paul... we need to give up a few thing to make more time for God... what could you give up each day that would not really change your life to give it up??... I could give up some TV watching for sure... there is something you do each day that takes up time that you could give up... maybe 30 minutes less of sleep... a few less conversations on the phone... not as many rounds of golf... there is something that you could give up so that you could spend more time with God... I promise that what you give up, so that you can spend time will God, will not even compare to what you get back in return.... Start with 5 minutes... just 5 minutes and if that 5 minutes a day changes you add 5 more minutes... How can we expect God t hear our request  if we don't take time for him each day...I challenge you to take just 5 minutes.. 5 minutes for God today... and tomorrow... and tomorrow and tomorrow.. see if it changes  you!!