Proverbs 16:32 Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self control than to conquer a city.
My Thoughts
Wow... now this is a powerful verse! Great me through out history, powerful men... great warriors... that are remembered in history book, in the Bible. But we do more than that be being patient and having self control. Now I can hear you saying as you read this "I am just not a patient person" and I will agree patients comes easier to some than others, but patients is a choice, self control is a choice. It is called self control because you yourself can choose to control how you behave and act. So today when you are feeling impatient on the inside, remember it is better than power to show patients with others and yourself on the outside... Take control of yourself and act in a way that would please God.
Thanks you Jeannie I enjoy your verses each day, they really help.
Jeannie, I've been following your blog for several months and have never seen the daily Bible verses. What an encouragement! Bless you! I'm going to look around my house for One Year Bibles to send you!! You are blessing us with your cards and your Christian witness!
Your sister in Christ, Cheryl from Texas!
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